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He Came for Me – Jesus With Skin On

HomeBeing like JesusHe Came for Me – Jesus With Skin On

Lately, I have been forced to see that things rarely happen without human action. I have been on this thought for a few weeks now and more so this weekend. I write this on our third day without electricity at home and as my frustration levels have gone from simmering to boiling and back down again, I see how God uses even the foolish things. Our interactions with customer care at ZESCO  have left much to be desired, to say the least, and what began as a fault from a few burnt cables, has turned into a web of half-truths and flat-out lies throughout our weekend. The success of my weekend depended on a  few other human interventions; a few decisions and some honest communication that was withheld until it became redundant. In my frustration, I have asked God where I missed it and He has graciously reminded me that He chooses to operate on this earth by partnering with humanity. Answers to our prayers for His help, this entire weekend, were dependent on other people making choices, choices they were free to make either way. Sadly, no matter how often I sometimes wish God could just grab people and shake them, He doesn’t work that way. He leads, guides and influences those who are yielded to His Spirit, yet even they can choose to operate contrary to His nudges depending on their current situation, their interests and other external factors. This being the case, what hope is there that God can consistently work things out in our favour? This may come off a little discouraging, but I have weirdly found comfort in this reminder, especially as He has asked me to weigh this weekend against the much bigger picture. What started as a series of complaints, to my Heavenly Father, about my weekend turned into the most beautiful conversation about His will stacked up against free will. Stick with me, I’m going somewhere.

You see, God is unchanging and because He knows how fickle humanity is, when push came to shove He knew He couldn’t put all His proverbial eggs in the humanity basket and watch things play out. No, He is more sovereign than that. He is also Holy, and His holiness would not, could not, allow Him to intervene in the dreadfully dire state that humanity was in because of sin. He had given authority to man and He would have to work with a man to get this all-important, eternity-altering, mission done. Which man could be trusted with such stakes? I mean if restoring electricity to my neighbourhood is anything to go by, man has a pretty bad reputation for dropping the ball in low, medium and high stakes. No, this man had to be of a different crop altogether. He had to be perfect in all His ways, reliable, true, unmoved by the allure of his own agenda, intent on the heart of the Father and nothing else. Which man could meet such high criteria? None but One. The Incarnate One. The Unblemished Lamb who would take away the sins of the world. That One and no other would do. For this reason, He left His throne, His divinity and His position, and took on the form of a man so that He could redeem all men.

He put skin on so that He could come for me.

He put skin on so that He could come for you.

And so the Living Expression became a man and lived among us! We gazed upon his glory, the glory of the One and Only who came from the Father overflowing with tender mercy and truth!” ~ John 1:14 (TPT)

As Christmas approaches, my heart is completely taken by the mystery of the Incarnation – the moment when the spiritual became tangible, and God clothed Himself in human flesh to take a step towards me. I can’t help but be enthralled by the depth of love that compelled Jesus to come and dwell among us and even more that He chose to enter our world in the most intimate way possible. The eternal Word, who spoke the universe into existence, took on the fragile form of a newborn. In that humble stable, divinity intersected with humanity, and the Saviour of the world began His earthly journey. Reflecting on this reality, I marvel at God’s choice to be vulnerable and I am challenged to live in the same manner. Jesus, fully God, wrapped Himself in the limitations of human existence. He felt hunger, experienced weariness, and navigated the complexities of human relationships. My Creator willingly embraced the constraints of His creation and demonstrated a love for me that is beyond comprehension.

The promise of Immanuel is not confined to the historical event of Jesus’ birth; it is an ongoing reality that extends to every moment of our lives. God is still with us; in times of joy, He rejoices with us and in times of sorrow, He offers comfort. The miracle of the Incarnation is not a distant memory but a present reality, inviting us to experience the nearness of God in every facet of our lives. This Christmas I encourage you to join me in reflecting on the significance of Jesus wearing our skin and consider how we, too, can be ‘Jesus with skin on’ to those around us. As we celebrate His birth, may it be a reminder that God is intimately acquainted with our joys and struggles, having walked in our shoes. As we exchange gifts and share meals with loved ones, let’s remember the ultimate gift of God’s presence. In the hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations, let’s take moments to recognise the sacredness of God dwelling among us.

Just as Jesus embodied God’s love in human form, we are called to be ‘Jesus with skin on’ to those around us. This Christmas week provides a unique opportunity to extend the love, compassion, and grace of Christ to others. As we gather with family, friends, and neighbours, can our interactions be infused with the spirit of Christ? This doesn’t mean you jumping through impossible hoops. Rather, lean into the Holy Spirit and consider the simplicity of a listening ear, a helping hand, or a word of encouragement. In a world marked by busyness and self-centeredness, embodying Christ’s love through tangible acts of kindness becomes a powerful witness. Let’s be intentional about reflecting the love of Jesus to those who may be hurting, lonely, or in need. Let’s not merely celebrate the birth of Jesus but actively embody His love and grace. I would ask that you join me in considering and demonstrating three practical ways to be ‘Jesus with skin on’ to those around you.

Take an interest in others

Take intentional time to listen and connect with the stories of those around you. Amidst the holiday rush, sit down with a friend, family member, or neighbour. Ask about their joys, struggles, and dreams. In doing so, you mirror Jesus’ approach of engaging intimately with our lives and immersing Himself in our story. Being ‘Jesus with skin on’ begins with empathy. By understanding others’ stories, you open your heart to the needs and emotions of those you encounter. So let’s make it a priority to be fully present, allowing the richness of others’ experiences to shape your interactions and responses.

Extend kindness

Embrace the spirit of giving through tangible acts of kindness. Whether it’s helping a neighbour, providing a warm meal for someone, or offering a word of encouragement to a struggling friend, let’s let our actions speak louder than words. Being ‘Jesus with skin on’ involves actively demonstrating love. Identify opportunities to meet practical needs and bring comfort to those around you. Small gestures, when done with a genuine heart, can echo the compassion of Christ. Let’s intentionally seek out ways to make a positive impact in the lives of others, embodying the selfless love that Jesus exemplified.

Be present

In the hustle and bustle of the season, it’s easy to forget that such festivities are dreadfully difficult for many around us. Prioritising quality time, putting away distractions and being fully present in the moment can be used by God to show up for many who are grieved, lonely and hurting. Whether it’s during family gatherings, community events, or one-on-one conversations, let your presence convey the love and warmth of Christ. Being ‘Jesus with skin on’ means investing time and attention in building meaningful connections. Create space for genuine conversations and shared experiences. Your presence becomes a living testimony of the love that Christmas represents. Let’s commit to fostering deeper connections with others, reflecting the relational nature of Jesus’ earthly ministry.

As we actively participate in the lives of those around us, we become living expressions of the love and grace that Jesus brought into the world through His Incarnation. Let this Christmas not be just a commemoration of an ancient event, but a celebration of the ongoing story of God’s love manifest in our daily actions. I pray that the essence of the Incarnation inspires you to be transformative agents of love, reflecting the light of Jesus in every step we take. May the joy of being ‘Jesus with skin on’ be your gift to others and yourself.

Merry Christmas.


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