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Compliments from God – You Are Called and Equipped

HomeAnswer God's callCompliments from God – You Are Called and Equipped

“God doesn’t call those who are equipped, He equips those whom He has called.” ~ Smith Wigglesworth

I rarely ever volunteer to do stuff outside my home. Bad as it sounds, I have always been the type of person who waits to be asked. Even in school, when a teacher would ask the class a question, rarely would I lift my hand despite knowing the answer. The teacher would have to call on me to get my contribution. I just didn’t like having the spotlight on me. As an adult, I find myself having that same tendency though some may beg to differ. I say this because, on the outside, it often seems like I volunteer to do stuff all the time. The truth is that whenever I step out to do anything outside my home, it is for the most part because of a tap on my shoulder by the Holy Spirit. Like my teachers in school, He gently calls on me to participate in the action of His love for those around me.

Growing up my Mum hated it when either of her children dared come into her busy kitchen and ask, “Need any help?” She would stare either of us sorry souls down and then answer, “No!” After receiving a proper scolding for quickly walking away in response to her no, which was certainly not a no, we all learned never to ask but rather to enter and simply make ourselves useful. In a recent conversation with my sister, we realised that we have evolved into our mother in this regard. Anyone living in the home, should not have to ask if help is needed when they can see that it is. In addition, we’ve realised that any sorry soul who dares ask if help is needed, rarely intends to help in the first place. I can’t wait to teach my children this lesson with the same death stare my Mum would give us back in the day.

I’ll admit, whenever I hesitantly walked into Mum’s kitchen hoping to hear that she didn’t need my help it was mostly because I was being lazy. Sometimes though, especially in my early teens, it was because I lacked the confidence that now serves as a gravitational pull towards the kitchen. I was scared to mess up, cut myself or compound Mum’s workload in her ever-busy and at times daunting kitchen. But the fact remained, that I was never going to build confidence if I never tried, and I was never going to truly feel a part of the family if I didn’t assume some responsibility. In hindsight, I appreciate the fact that my Mum taught me and my siblings this lesson because it speaks to our place in the home. As her children, part of the family and her heirs, it was important for us to learn that when there was work to be done in the home we needed to take pride in doing that work without having to always be asked. We may have been young and unsure of ourselves in her kitchen, her domain, but we needed to get familiar with how she moved into that space so that we would be able to handle our own homes one day. I believe this is very similar to how God works in our lives.

“And since we are His children, we are His heirs. Together with Christ, we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share His glory, we must also share His suffering.” ~ Romans 8:17

In this verse, I believe that suffering doesn’t just mean trials, persecution or trouble, it also means responsibility. As a firstborn, I’ll be the first to admit that the responsibility it carries to be the eldest can sometimes feel like suffering. Growing up, hearing words like, “You are the leader,” or “You will open the way for your siblings,” felt like a cross to carry. But now I realise that it spoke of the great expectation and trust that my mother had in me. We are all automatically part of our family of origin by way of birth, a fact that cannot change which is reinforced by benefits and rights. Likewise, we are automatically a part of God’s family by accepting the gift of salvation given through Christ Jesus. This adoption into the family of God is also reinforced by benefits and rights with no segregation by God who loves all equally. As bona fide members of our family, whether that or origin or that of Christ, we are further legitimised by the responsibilities given to us. I don’t know about your home, but when I was growing up, my mother would have never given the ‘death stare’ to a visitor who was reluctant to help in her kitchen. The more detached from our family inner circle that visitor was, the more likely it would be that while we were all busy in the kitchen, they would be in the living room watching TV or on their phone. The same can be said about the family of God. The closer we are to Him, the higher the expectation and responsibility He places on us to participate in the work of His Kingdom.

Despite our fears and doubts, we all have wonderful things to accomplish for the Kingdom of God, and whether or not you’re like me and have a love-hate relationship with responsibility, the reality remains that God’s anticipation of our answer to His call speaks of His great trust in our abilities to do well. Our place in God’s family is secure, we cannot lose it even if we shrink back, selfishly or fearfully choosing to ignore the fact that there is great work to be done in His house. No, we cannot lose our salvation, but we can lose the great reward that lies on the flip side of our obedience.

“And having chosen them, He called them to come to Him. And having called them, He gave them right standing with Himself. And having given them right standing, He gave them His glory.” ~ Romans 8:30 (NLT)

God’s plan is for us not to end up merely becoming part of the family, sheepishly tucked away in the corners of His home. He wants us to build our confidence in our place by participating in the work of His Kingdom. Remember, a compliment is a polite expression of praise or admiration and one of the highest compliments one can ever receive is that of trust. Do you not see what a massive compliment it is that our great God, who needs not our help, chooses to call us to participate in His work and thereafter His glory? Even more, He places His stamp of approval on us for the world to see just how in awe of us He is. If that isn’t mind-blowing, I’m not sure what is.

So, take your place in His family today. Let His compliments of you gently wash over you, giving you the confidence you need. If you are the type of person who easily puts yourself out there then I encourage you to continue to show up. Don’t grow weary of doing what is good, within the parameters of God’s love. If you are like me and need a little nudging, I challenge you to be obedient each time God taps you on the shoulder. Remember that He has given you everything you need to represent Him well in all you do. Don’t shrink back, instead step up and be confident in the trust the Lord has shown by choosing you. As you do, my prayer is that you will have all you need for doing His will and that He produces in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to Him. (Hebrews 13:21)



  1. Mable Banda
    July 25, 2022

    Good lessons here.👏🏽👏🏽


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