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What Is Your Intention?

HomeGod's intentionsWhat Is Your Intention?

I love listening to podcasts! It’s my way of learning while my hands are too busy to pick up a book to read. I am a hard-copy book kinda girl and haven’t jumped onto the audiobook train yet, but I feel like I am almost there. So when I am not able to read, I enlighten my mind by listening to some choice podcasts as I do my chores, sit in the hair dryer at the salon or drive to and fro happily checking off my list of errands. I was recently doing my listening thing while baking and was struck by a question that the guest on the podcast said he had been asked by Oprah Winfrey. Curious? It was the Whoa That’s Good podcast hosted by Sadie Robertson Huff and in this particular episode, she was chatting with Emmanuel Acho. In a subsequent conversation with my sister, I admitted unashamedly that I am currently on the Emmanuel Acho train… The wisdom! The eloquence! The upbringing this man must have had! But that’s a conversation for another day. So there I was baking away and I heard Emmanuel Acho share how, during a trajectory-altering phone conversation with the amazing Oprah Winfrey, she asked him the question, “Emmanuel, what is your intention?”

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” ~ Psalm 139:23-24

There were several nuggets I gleaned from that podcast but that question is what I spoke to God about for the rest of the day. I won’t lie, the beginning of my conversation was, “Mmm but Lord, OK, Oprah Winfrey called him ayi! That had to be you!” I was, and still am, amazed at the grandness of what God can do in one moment if we simply obey Him against all odds. That being said, I know that if Emmanuel Acho’s intentions had not been right, God would not have moved in such a manner despite his obedience. We can do the right thing, the God thing even, but if our intentions are corrupt, the outcome may be good, but never great, because our Holy Father will have no part in it.

I dare to think what would happen if each of us were to pause more often and ask ourselves, “What is my intention?” More than that, what if we asked God to reveal to us our hidden motives about certain things we casually do under the guise of being a ‘good person.’ I have heard it said that the Bible is the only book that, when you read it, reads you back. It is our mirror and exposes and separates the carnal from the spiritual, the genuine from the counterfeit and concealed truth from the revealed facade. When we spend time reading and listening to God’s Word He lays us bare before Himself, showing us what is in us that doesn’t match our identity in Him. God knows us more than we know ourselves so making Psalm 139:23-24 a regular prayer is a way that we can line ourselves up with what God wants to do in our hearts concerning our intentions and thoughts. What I love about the Lord is that when He brings something to light that doesn’t reflect Him, it isn’t laced with condemnation. Rather, He gently guides us to see the filth that contaminates even our best intentions, just as simply as a light switch turned on in a room that needs to be tidied up. What’s even better is that He has no expectations for us to do the purifying work without His help.

As I processed what I learned from the podcast, I wrote down some thoughts about areas I felt it necessary to continually access intention. I would like to share these with you in hopes that you are challenged and encouraged as I was and continue to be.

What is our intention as we INQUIRE?

I am terrible at small talk. As one who isn’t the most talkative, I try to make sure that when I speak, there is a purpose behind it. That being said, one of my biggest pet peeve questions is, “How are you?” Is that just an empty greeting or do people want to know? Do they get to know? Can they handle an honest answer? So many questions. I don’t ask people this question unless I genuinely desire to know how they are. I am more inclined to greetings such as Hi, hey, heya and How’s it? And no, the correct response to, “How’s it?” is not “It’s fine.” It’s “How’s it?” Is kinda like the coloured version of “How do you do?” That was for free… My point here is, what is the motivation behind our inquiry into the lives of others? Is it genuine concern so we can pray with and for them, is it so we can have something to gossip about or is it so we can feel better about ourselves when we hear they are not doing all too well? When we get to the root of our actions, we begin to question their necessity. Maybe this is easy for me because I am not so talkative. If you are more outgoing, you may need to address your inquiries of others with an amber light, checking to see if your intentions are pure before you proceed.

What is our intention when we are NICE?

I like to be considered a nice person. I have realised, more often than I would like to admit, that sometimes being nice can have an underlying less-than-nice motive. Being in the habit of asking ourselves why we want to be or are being so nice to a particular person is key. In the same, though opposite, way, have you ever found yourself withholding your everyday niceness from someone in particular? Have you stopped asking yourself why you withhold the true essence of yourself each time you are in that person’s presence? Intention… it’s a funny thing I tell you. But I like how paying more attention calls me higher and I hope that as you do the same, you can take a more elevated path too.

What is our intention as we invest our TIME?

Our time is a limited resource and how we spend it says a lot about us and what we value. Whom we choose to spend our time with also says a lot about how much we value them. Do we use our time as an investment for a genuine relationship, or are we expecting returns of a different nature? I don’t think anyone wants their time wasted or to be manipulated into something because they were made to feel valued. So what are your intentions? When you give or withhold your time, what are you trying to communicate without speaking any words? Think about it.

What is our intention as we ENGAGE?

We go about life engaging in all sorts of things. Business, conversation, church activities, and even the Word, to name a few. Detecting our true intentions as we engage will help us navigate life more purposefully. Where are we more energetic or less energetic and why? Where are we most challenged, at peace or apathetic? Paying more attention to the intention behind how and why we are doing everyday things will help us live the free life that Jesus came to ensure we have. Rather than doing certain things out of duty or just to be seen doing them, we will back our actions up with the right motivation. Consistency is bred from this because even when we don’t feel like doing something important, the ‘why’ behind it will fuel us along regardless of our momentary feelings.

What is our intention as we NEGOTIATE?

I don’t think people know the true art of negotiation until they have to negotiate with a toddler. As a parent, I am just as guilty as the next for negotiating with my children just so that I can save face in public. Negotiation is discussed as a discussion aimed at reaching an agreement. We usually assume that negotiations only take place during business transactions, but the truth is that we negotiate more times a day than we care to count. During these discussions, what is the intention behind reaching your desired agreement? When you say yes or say no, do you do so as a power move or because you have taken into consideration the best interests of the other person? When we place the mirror of God’s Word against our daily negotiations, what will be reflected to us?

What is our intention as we TALK?

Back to small talk. Please don’t shoot me if you are a small-talk-guru. But seriously speaking, having a purpose when we speak is important. Words are powerful and must be handled with caution. When we talk is our intention to just fill up quiet space or to edify? Is it more important for us to get our point across than to listen to the views of others? Even in a disagreement, we should be mindful of the intention of our words. Rather than cut, belittle or hurt, we should use our words to articulate ourselves in a manner that brings understanding, unity and hopefully reconciliation.

So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

~ 1 Corinthians 10:31

In conclusion, I think it is safe to say that when we are asked what our intentions are, the only correct answer is that we desire to share the love and knowledge of Christ. Anything more or less than that would require some scrutiny. So I challenge you to pay more attention to what your intentions are. Don’t do and say things just to do and say them, have something solid to back those things up. As you pay more attention I pray that the Holy Spirit will show you adjustments that need to be made and give you the grace and strength to make the changes.


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