Waging war against obstacles keeping us from an authentic knowledge of God
“They march like warriors and scale city walls like soldiers. Straight forward they march, never breaking rank.”~ Joel 2:7
Our Values
This life can be tough and dealing a blow to our adversary will require us to have a firm grip on righteousness, our identity in Christ, and the truth of God’s Word with determined persistence. Getting back up each time we stumble and resolving to finish the fight well.
God’s desire is for us to have a life that is so full that it overflows. Stepping out into such fullness will require us to believe what He says about Himself, and also what He says about us. Nothing less than radical faith will do. We must have a confident disregard for not just the status quo but even for our personal comfort.
Enlisting in the war to fight for the life God wants for us requires enthusiastic commitment to take up arms for real, not just to please others or to be seen, but with a sincere and resolved heart. We must be willing to step out in obedience, sincerely desiring revolutionary growth and ready for action.