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Chiara is a daddy’s girl. She loves her daddy, and she loves that she is her daddy’s daughter. Watching her has been a learning curve for me. I didn’t grow up with my biological father, and though I have a cherished relationship with my stepfather, I have never known what it feels like to be fathered in the way Chiara is. There is a certain comfort level she experiences that allows her to show up in her world like she does. Both her and Caleb, for that matter. It’s beautiful and sobering to watch. Why? Because God expects us to show up in the world with a level of confidence that comes from the comfort of being fathered by Him.

On many occasions, as we’ve driven into our garage, Chiara has sighed and said, “I’m so tired. Daddy, carry me up the stairs.” I smile every time she does this because it’s interesting to see how she knows she can place that sort of demand on Ceaser. He is, after all, her Daddy. Who else will she be as dramatic with? Who else will she throw her childlike woes at with the sheer confidence that his broad shoulders can handle them and her? Her Daddy is her hero, and she isn’t shy about showing it.

I often hear the Spirit of God point out certain things Chiara does that demonstrate how she views herself in light of being fathered by Ceaser Mupeta. Our little mama knows she isn’t fathered by just anyone, she recognises both in word and deed that she has an intimate understanding of who her father is. She knows that she is a princess in his eyes because he reminds her often. She knows that as his daughter, she is entitled to music lessons, which she frequently asks for with confidence and vigour. She knows that as his daughter, he understands her sweet tooth, and she can ask for ice cream or chocolate after school with confidence that if he doesn’t get it today, it will come soon. She takes an interest in music and drama and knows this will always be common ground between her and her Daddy. She doesn’t easily get embarrassed, and she lives life to the fullest because she is safe and accounted for by her Daddy.

I admire her and how she can show up in ways I’m still learning as I lean into the reality of being fathered. Chiara knows who she is because she knows who her Daddy is and how much he loves her. As the year winds down, this is what has been on my mind most: How does the reality of being fathered by the Creator of the heavens and the earth affect how we show up in this life? Should it impact our lives, and if so, how? I hope my discoveries and thoughts can get you thinking a little about being fathered this December.

But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and You are our potter; we are all the work of Your hand. ~ Isaiah 64:8 (ESV)

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need. “So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom. ~ Luke 12:31-32 (NLT)

No matter where we go, who we’re around, or even what we believe about ourselves, it doesn’t change the fact that we are fathered. Sadly, the unchangeable truth is that if we choose not to live in the reality of this fact, the landscape of our lives will not be all the Father prepared for us. His love for you and how precious you are in His sight is true and remains true for all eternity, yet your belief in this truth has the power to make or break your life. The theologian AW Tozer famously said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” When you think of the God of the universe, does your heart swell up because of your experience of the truth that He is your Father? If you’re like me and still learning to let this truth settle and take root in your heart, there are some days when this fact rings truer than on other days. I’m glad to report, though, that day by day, the days I show up from the posture of being fathered are steadily outnumbering the days when I falter because I don’t. God is indeed teaching me and reminding me of what runs in my DNA because I am His daughter. This is what I want to share with you today. I hope it sets you up to wind down this year and begin the next year well.

You’re a Fighter.

As a fathered one, I’ve found that sometimes we must be placed in a fight or an unorthodox situation to remind us of who we are. Many times, unless you’re challenged, your true identity as a fathered one will never come out. You’re a fighter. Being a fighter runs through your veins and is a part of your DNA because God is your Father. Have you ever wondered why opposition often brings out the best in people instead of destroying them? The catch is they believe that they are fighters. We become more lethal the more we fight. The more our enemy attacks us, the more the deep truths of our identity come to the surface. I believe this is because when we’re in fight mode, we see God for who He is: a Protector, a Deliverer, a Provider, a Healer, a Miracle Worker and as we do, the more settled we are as fathered.

I don’t know about you, but every challenge I have ever experienced has given me more insight into God’s love for me and my identity in Him. This process isn’t fun, but it’s good. I’ve had to learn to understand that because of the separation and chaos sin brought into the world,  fighting will always be a part of my story. Rather than resenting this, I’m learning to embrace it and allow it to drive me back to my Father.

You’re Trustworthy.

Nothing is more pleasing to a parent than a child they can trust. I have started training Caleb and Chiara about how valuable our trust in them is as their parents. As we’ve begun entrusting them with a few things we always ask, “Can we trust you with this?” Allowing the truth that we’re fathered to affect our lives, offers us the grace to be trusted by God. Can God trust you with money, resources, people, or pressure? I’ve learned that the more we lean into Him and what He requires of us, the more grace we receive to steward what He places in our hands. It’s a privilege to be trusted by our Heavenly Father, one we should never take for granted.

You’re Excellent.

You are the manifestation of God’s excellence in the earth. God put the stamp of His excellence in you, and because you are His child, you carry His name everywhere you go and in everything you do. You were born to be excellent and nothing else. Allowing the truth that you’re fathered to affect your life, means that wherever you go and whatever you do, you move in the spirit of excellence. Following your Father in excellence means being willing to get your hands dirty to bring excellence where there is none. When you see the world through this lens, it changes how you show up in your circle of influence.

You’re Unique.

Being unique in a carbon-copy world is tough. It’s lonely and sometimes heavy. First Corinthians chapter twelve reminds us that while we are not called to be like the next person, just because we’re unique doesn’t mean we’re alone. You’re a part of God’s family, a family of unique individuals who are united under the name and glory of God. Allowing the truth that you’re fathered to affect your life, gives you the grace to understand your function and purpose in the way God designed you. I’ve come to find that the more I understand my purpose in God, the tighter I grab hold of it as valuable. This understanding of value keeps me from burying my purpose and challenges me to steward it with more tenacity and fervour.

You’re Worthy of Sacrifice.

You are not random. God made a specific choice about you in creation and in sacrifice. God didn’t have to sacrifice for us, but this was a part of His plan to demonstrate sacrifice to us. Allowing the truth that we’re fathered to affect our lives means that just like our Father, we will have to be willing to sacrifice. I’ve found that often what I lay on the altar of sacrifice is the version of myself I created in my head in place of what God said about me. Sacrifice involves love and as fathered children, our love should be for our Father in response to His sacrifice for us. Not only did our Father sacrifice, but He made the ultimate sacrifice for His ultimate love… you. A response to that kind of love sacrifice is love that breads its own sacrifice to the Father.

Nothing you can do will make God love you more or less than He loves you right now. You’re loved! As a fathered one, you are to show love to the world around you. Allow God’s love to flow through you even when you’re in the middle of a fight. Your birthright is not to perish but to have everlasting life with your Father. So, whatever you’re going through isn’t going to kill you but make you stronger as your Father turns it around for your good. Own your life as one who is worthy of your Father’s trust with whatever has been placed in your hands. Lift your head high and embrace the unique excellence you have been blessed with. My prayer is that as you see God’s sacrifice for all that it is, you will respond in kind to the extraordinary display of love and affection He has shown you.



  1. Petronella
    December 2, 2024

    This is profound and it has increased my trust in The Lord. Indeed there are just those people who need to be pushed to make them understand that their indeed God’s children they were chosen.
    Thank you, this is the word I needed to hear.
    Am unique, trust worthy, excellent, trust worthy of sacrifice. Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!

    • December 3, 2024

      It wonderful to know that this blog has blessed you! keep showing up, knowing that you are fathered.


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