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Untapped – A Journey

HomeAlignment with God's willUntapped – A Journey

Thirteen years ago tomorrow, I walked down the aisle to the man I would spend my life with, full of love, excitement, and hope for the future. But if I’m being honest, I had no idea how much potential lay in that moment, how much beauty, growth, and depth would unfold in the years to come. Our wedding day wasn’t just the start of a marriage, it was the unlocking of an entirely new world, full of untapped potential that God had known about all along.

When Ceaser and I exchanged our vows, we had no idea how perfectly matched we were, not just for that moment, but for every stage of life still ahead. Marriage has a way of peeling back layers of who you are, layers you never even knew existed and God, in His infinite wisdom, knew exactly how to pair us for every season. It’s amazing to think about how, thirteen years later, we are still discovering new aspects of ourselves and our relationship. There are moments when I look at him, and I’m reminded that God still unveils parts of who we are as individuals and as a couple. What’s even more incredible is that, even after over a decade of marriage, we’ve only scratched the surface. There is still so much that remains untapped in our union. We’ve grown so much together, evolving in ways only God could have orchestrated. He designed marriage not just as a partnership for life’s journey, but as a vessel for transformation, a place where we can grow into the people He created us to be. And this growth happens as we yield ourselves more fully to His will, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our steps.

I’ve realised that the potential within us, both individually and together, is activated by a heart that is humble and yielded to God. We can’t unlock the fullness of who we are without being deeply connected to Him. As Ceaser and I continue to seek God in our relationship, I can feel the potential that’s still left to be explored, the areas of our marriage that haven’t even been touched yet. It’s exciting and humbling all at the same time. Each new stage of life brings new opportunities for growth, new challenges that stretch us, and new blessings that remind us of God’s goodness. The moments when we’re tempted to think we’ve reached the peak of our potential, God shows us that there’s so much more ahead.

I’m grateful for the way God has used our marriage to sanctify us. There have been times of joy and times of struggle, moments where we felt on top of the world and moments where we had to lean on each other just to keep going. But through it all, we’ve continued to grow and the best part is, we’re not done yet. It’s a beautiful adventure. There’s still so much ahead of us, untapped treasures that will only be uncovered as we continue to walk in step with God, seeking His heart and His will for our lives. As we look to the future, I’m filled with hope and excitement, knowing that there is still more to discover, more to become, and more of God’s goodness to experience together. All it takes is a heart that is humble, open, and ready to yield to the Spirit of God. And in that space, the fullness of our potential will be revealed, one beautiful layer at a time.

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. ~ Philippians 1:6 (NLT)

Do you realise there’s a version of you that’s still unfolding, still untapped? Yes, friend, there is. God is shifting things around in your life to reveal that version. When God shakes things up, we often find ourselves in unfamiliar territory, trying to adjust to new lanes. Others may begin to notice too, saying, “You seem different,” or “I sense something has changed.” You might feel the shift within yourself, but the uncertainty can leave you feeling unsettled. I want to encourage you, however this journey unfolds, here are a few things to keep in mind as God reveals the untapped parts of who you are.

Don’t be surprised when people start singing.

When people start noticing your growth, don’t let their praise dictate your pace. It’s human nature for others to “ooh” and “aah” when they witness untapped potential unfold. While it can be motivating, remember to stay grounded in God’s plan, not in the applause of others. Don’t stop pursuing excellence just because people are clapping. Their applause may carry the false idea that where you are now is “good enough.” But God always has more. Stay tuned to His rhythm, not the cheers from the crowd.

This is especially true in marriage. No one else is in your marriage but you and your spouse. It’s easy to put up a front that earns praise from others, but we must remember that our ultimate focus should be to please God, not people. Seeking approval from others can distract you from doing the real, often messy, work. This work might not make it to the highlight reel, but it’s in these moments that your marriage and life become a testament to God’s grace, mercy, and kindness.

Don’t let praise or criticism go to your head.

People are always watching. Some are inspired by you, and others… not so much. No matter why they’re watching, God can only use it for good when you remain humble and follow His plan. Keep your heart soft before God, and guard against envy. Envy destroys purpose and will always reveal itself, no matter how well we try to hide it. When you begin stepping into who God has called you to be, not everyone will celebrate. Some may throw shade when others are clapping for you. Ask the Holy Spirit for discernment to see people’s true colours, and as Maya Angelou said, “When people show you who they are, believe them.” God will help you build the right circle around you, people who will walk this journey of purpose with you.

Some people are so distressed with their own lives that they feel compelled to project their discomfort onto yours. They might criticise your dreams simply because they’ve given up on their own. Instead of taking this personally, see it as a way to discern who belongs in your life and who doesn’t. Speak well of those who try to sow seeds of fear or failure over you. That’s the power God gives us to cancel negative words spoken against our purpose. Bless those who persecute you and be committed to being a carrier of peace. God asks us to protect our hearts and minds in this untapped season. We can’t afford to open ourselves to anything contrary to what He’s saying and doing.

Remember this when you get cut.

The most painful cuts often come from those closest to us. Their words can wound deeply, making it harder to move forward. But even those wounds can be used by God to propel us into new decisions that can change the course of our lives. Set boundaries, toughen your skin, and trust that God is using every pain for your good. There’s a hedge of protection around you and God’s purpose for your life. Keep a soft heart but toughen your resolve.

Stay Ready

No one but God can give you a seat at the table. He has a place for you, and when the time is right, He will bring you to it. What He’s looking for is a right heart, one that doesn’t wear its hurt for all to see. We all face pain, but we must choose to let God heal our hearts. Don’t allow bitterness or resentment to take root. See the brokenness in others and ask God for compassion to love them, even from a distance if necessary. Make the choice today not to add to the hurt of others by reacting in anger. Let your actions reflect God’s love, not your pain.

There’s so much more God has for you. His Word says, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” Do you believe this? If you do, there’s no room for envy, comparison, or unforgiveness. God has enough for all of His children, He’s not running out of blessings. The truth about your untapped potential is that it can remain untapped forever if you’re not careful. But that’s not what God wants for you. He wants you to experience everything He has prepared for you. As He reveals what’s still untapped within you, my prayer is that you will follow His lead and reach the fullest potential of your purpose, encouraging others along the way.


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