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Observed by One

HomeEasterObserved by One

In the hushed stillness outside Jerusalem City, the weight of the world bore down upon Jesus as He stumbled under the burden of the cross. The crowd hissed and mocked, their voices blending with hatred and contempt. The minutes stretched into a blur as His body, battered and bruised,  reacted in subdued revolt. Heart racing, palms sweating, and breath quickened, it took everything in Him to trudge on. With every step He took, it became more and more difficult to ignore the incessant cautions of His body. The sound of the crowd faded as the beat of His heart filled His ears louder and louder. His vision blurred as he blinked blood and sweat away from His eyes and before He knew it, He hit the ground under the weight of it all. Disoriented for a brief moment, He closed his eyes, took a deep breath in, and reminded Himself that He was exactly where He ought to be. As the verbal onslaught of the Roman soldiers grew louder, Jesus readied himself to bear the weight of the wooden cross where He would be hung until he breathed his last, but before he could stand he felt the load lighten. His eyes met those of Simon from Cyrene Libya, who was compelled to help carry the cross. The two men shared one impactful moment. Horrified by the pain etched into every line of Jesus’ face, Simon was taken aback by the peace in his eyes. The hairs on the back of his neck stood but before he had time to think, the red plumes of the soldier nearby reminded him that he ought to get on with his task. Jesus felt his shoulders relax slightly as he watched the emotion on Simon’s face. He steadied himself to his feet, not breaking his gaze on Simon, satisfied that this moment would forever change the life of this man and the children who cried after him. 

Upon reaching Golgotha, the crowd carried with it a myriad of emotions palpable in the air. Simon was relieved to have completed his dreadful task, unable to shake his curiosity about Jesus. The soldiers relished the task of nailing Jesus to the cross while Mary, the mother of Jesus, wept silently, her heart breaking as she witnessed her son’s agony. Other disciples and friends of Jesus were filled with sorrow and disbelief. The sky darkened as the earth joined in openly displaying its reaction to Jesus hanging on the cross, flanked by two criminals. The crowd continued to hurl insults and amidst the ridicule, a lone voice crying out in repentance echoed from the right side, acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus endured unimaginable suffering, his body wracked with pain. Yet, even in this, He offered words of comfort to the criminal beside Him, promising paradise to the repentant soul. Before long, Jesus cried out with a voice filled with anguish, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The weight of sin pressed down upon Him, threatening to engulf His spirit. Even in His agony, Jesus surrendered Himself to the will of the Father, His words echoing obedience through the ages, both past and future. The earth trembled, and Jesus breathed His last, His body slumping upon the cross. At that moment, the thick heavy veil of the temple was torn in two, and the barrier between God and humanity shattered forever.

He humbled Himself and became vulnerable, choosing to be revealed as a man and was obedient. He was a perfect example, even in His death – a criminal’s death by crucifixion! ~ Philippians 2:8 (TPT)

Jesus’ crucifixion, and the hours leading up to it, demonstrate not only a deep act of sacrifice but also a timeless lesson in knowing one’s audience. You see, once Jesus was arrested, He was being watched by hundreds. A mixed crowd followed Him from the garden to Annas and Caiaphas, then to Pilate, then to Herod, then back to Pilate. Jesus suffered great humiliation during these ridiculous trials, yet He seemed zeroed in on something other than His current surroundings. After His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was resolved not to play to the gallery but to keep His focus on the observation of His one. In many ways, as Jesus hung upon the cross, His heart remained steadfast in its devotion to the Father, yet I believe He had another one He hoped would observe, receive and respond to His act of unfathomable love… You. Jesus already pleased His Father and was handsomely rewarded for His obedience, being made the firstborn among many brethren who would carry His name. His act on the cross still speaks though. It speaks loudly and unashamedly to the one He loves, the one He came for, the one He died for and the one He remains after. Seeing that we are to emulate Christ, I wondered what it would be like to also live life with the observation of one in mind. I narrowed it down to three things and I’d like to share these with you this Easter

Prioritise Purpose

In the face of overwhelming pain and suffering, Jesus remained unwavering in His commitment to His purpose. Despite the agony of the cross, His gaze was fixed not on the mocking crowd or the pain of His suffering, but on the divine mission of you that was entrusted to Him by the Father. Similarly, if we are to imitate Jesus’ desire to live a life observed by one, we must prioritise our purpose in God above all else. This means aligning our actions and ambitions with God’s will and seeking to glorify Him in everything we do. Whether we are pursuing our careers, serving our communities, or nurturing our relationships, our ultimate goal should be to honour God and advance His kingdom. By orienting our lives around our God-given purpose, we can find fulfilment and meaning even during trials and tribulations. Like Jesus, let’s fix our eyes on the prize set before us, knowing that our labour in the Lord is never in vain.

Prioritise Intimacy with God

Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus demonstrated a firm commitment to intimacy with the Father. In moments of solitude and prayer, He communed with God, seeking guidance, strength, and renewal for the tasks ahead. If we are to follow Jesus’ example, we must prioritise intimacy with God above all else. This means carving out time in our busy schedules to cultivate a deep and meaningful relationship with our Heavenly Father. Through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and worship, we can draw near to God and experience the fullness of His presence in our lives. Intimacy with God not only sustains us in times of trial but also empowers us to fulfil our purpose with courage and conviction. As we abide in Him, we are transformed by His love and grace, becoming vessels of His mercy and compassion to a world in need.

Prioritise Obedience

At the heart of Jesus’ ministry was radical obedience to the will of the Father. Even in the face of suffering and death, He submitted himself fully to God’s plan, trusting in His sovereignty and goodness. Likewise, if we are to live our lives observed by one, we must prioritise obedience to God’s instructions and Word. This means surrendering our desires and agendas to His will, trusting that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts. Obedience to God may require sacrifice and self-denial, but it is ultimately the pathway to true freedom and an abundant life. As we yield to His leading, we experience the joy of walking in step with the Holy Spirit, empowered to live lives that honour and glorify Him.

Jesus knew He was being watched by many, yet He chose to focus on the ones that mattered; His Father and subsequently, His Bride. This Easter, as you take time to remember His love for you, I hope you will reflect on your own life. Who are you hoping is observing you? Who you believe is watching will determine how you show up on the stage of your life. I believe that if you prioritise the purpose God has given you, develop genuine intimacy with Him and aim to obey His Word you will also live a life focused on the ones that matter: Your Father and your Saviour.


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