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His Kingdom Come

HomeThe kingdom of GodHis Kingdom Come

This past week Caleb and Chiara were planning my birthday party. They decided I would have a party and that it would be held at Fun World. I tried to explain to them that when planning a party for someone, they have to do what that person likes, not what they like. Chiara insisted I would love Fun World because I would ride the Hello Kitty car with her. I decided to leave them to their planning and submit their ideas to the head of the planning committee… their Daddy.

A day before my birthday, they arrived home from school and as soon as I opened the door to greet them, Chiara yelled, “Mommy, there are absolutely no presents for you here! No presents at all.” I laughed. Before dinner, I found her and her brother whispering with their Daddy, and again she yelled, “Mommy, there’s nothing to hear here. Nothing! Absolutely nothing to hear!” Ceaser and I locked eyes and burst out laughing. Next, Caleb came to ask me who I wanted at my party. I started to say I didn’t want a party but he insisted that his aunty Sid and his cousins be on the guest list. Before I could say a word, off he went to add more names to the guestlist he and his sister were writing. I couldn’t help but feel loved by their enthusiasm and attempt at the details.

The kids had such a good time, ‘planning’ for my birthday and Chiara enjoyed calling me ‘birthday girl.’ When it was all said and done, as they asked me to close my eyes and led me down the hallway into the kitchen, I felt seen. No Hello Kitty in sight, just my favourite flavoured cake, a pair of beautiful mugs, lots of hugs, kisses and homemade cards.

He said to them, “The mystery of the Kingdom of God has been given to you who have teachable hearts, but those who are outside, the unbelievers and the spiritually blind get everything in parables.” ~ Mark 4:11 (AMP)

Lately, I’ve been brooding over the concept of the Kingdom of God. Teaching my kids a version of Jesus’s model prayer led me to repeatedly ask for God’s Kingdom to come, especially as various scenarios unfolded recently. This led me to reflect on my role in God’s response to such prayers. A valuable lesson from Caleb and Chiara, who set aside their preferences to plan a birthday surprise for me, has me wondering if the same selflessness can be applied to our efforts in executing God’s Kingdom on Earth. Since it’s His Kingdom, our role is to partner with Him and help it shine brightly in an increasingly dark world. Mark’s words from our Saviour hold significant wisdom, shedding light on accessing the Kingdom of God in our daily lives. I’d like to share my practical thoughts on how we can achieve this.

Intentional intimacy

Our hearts won’t magically align with God’s Kingdom. This requires intentionality on our part, intentionality about building intimacy with God. Accessing the Kingdom of God begins with building a deep and intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father. Just as a friendship deepens through quality time and heartfelt conversations, our intimacy with God grows when we intentionally seek His presence. Prayer, meditation, and reflection on His Word are all essential ways to nurture this connection. When we prioritise our relationship with God, we unlock the door to the secrets of His Kingdom. My challenge to you here is to dedicate time each day to engage in prayer and meditate on His Word. Don’t fall into the trap of religion here. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you how you can practically include this into your routine without it becoming a burden. Ask Him to help your heart fall in love with this set aside time. Ask Him to develop a deep desire in you to know God then let your relationship with God be the cornerstone of your life.

Curiosity and excitement

Stay curious and excited about God’s word. God’s Word is a treasure trove of wisdom and insight, offering endless opportunities for growth and enlightenment. To access the Kingdom of God, we must remain curious and excited about exploring the Scriptures. Just as children eagerly anticipate a new story, approach the Bible with a childlike wonder. Seek to understand its parables, narratives, and teachings. Dive into its depths, and allow it to transform your heart and mind. I encourage you to stay open and approach God’s Word like it’s your very first time. Regularly read and study the Bible with an open heart and a desire to learn. Ask the Holy Spirit questions about how His Word applies to your life. and eagerly await His answers. Allow His teachings to shape your perspective and actions.


Generously spread the kingdom of God.The Kingdom of God is not meant to be a secret kept to ourselves; it’s a gift to be shared with others. As we grow in our relationship with God and His Word, we are called to generously spread His love, grace, and teachings. The more we pour out, the more God pours into us. Be a living example of God’s Kingdom through acts of kindness, compassion, and service. Allow God to use you to meet the physical and spiritual needs of others. Meeting the needs of others can be a little tricky because we often interpret the need and rush to meet it the way we would want it met. This sometimes backfires because not everyone thinks and feels like we do. Let’s learn to slow down, seek God’s will and allow him to offer us His ideas and solutions to the needs He impresses on us to meet. I find this works much better and at the end of the day, His name is praised. So, actively seek opportunities to generously share the message of God’s Kingdom in your circle of influence. Remember that true giving is about being intentional to meet the needs God shows you, in the way He shows you.

Choose your people

We are greatly influenced by the company we keep. To access the Kingdom of God, it’s essential to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your passion for God and His Word. Seek out a community of believers who will encourage, challenge, and support you in your kingdom-bringing journey so that together, you can delve deeper into the secrets of God’s Kingdom.

Another thing I’ve found in this regard is that trail-blazing can get lonely. As we each go about blazing the new trails God has ordained for us, because it is a whole new path, you will often be the only one walking it. The cool thing, that God has ensured, is that there is always someone blazing a new trail nearby. As each of us stays focused in our lane, we can still encourage and cheer one another on. This breeds kingdom conversations, kingdom interactions, kingdom ideas, kingdom opportunities, kingdom questions, kingdom answers and kingdom solutions. Find people who share your commitment to seeking the Kingdom of God. Encourage one another and hold each other accountable in your spiritual pursuits.

Don’t Be Discouraged by Tribulation

Accessing the Kingdom of God is not without its challenges. In Acts 14:22, we are reminded that tribulations are an inevitable part of our journey. However, these tribulations are not roadblocks but opportunities for growth and perseverance. As you encounter difficulties, remember that they are refining you, making you stronger, and drawing you closer to God. In the face of tribulation, maintain your faith, trust in God’s plan, and find solace in His presence. Tribulation is not the destination, it is what you must go through on your way to your destination. I encourage you to turn to God in prayer and seek His guidance and strength. Trust that even amid trials, you are drawing nearer to the Kingdom of God.

Accessing the Kingdom of God is a beautiful and rewarding journey that requires intentionality, curiosity, generosity, community, and resilience. The secrets of the Kingdom are available to those who seek them and will persevere in the face of tribulation. May you embark on this journey with a heart eager to build intimacy with God and full of curiosity about His Word. Generously spread His love, surround yourself with like-minded individuals, and remain steadfast through the trials. I believe that as you do, you will enjoy the mysteries of God’s Kingdom.



  1. Lumamba
    October 18, 2023



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