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L.E.A.N on God – Anxieties

HomeAnxietyL.E.A.N on God – Anxieties

“Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

I’m not sure if I’m ashamed to say this or not but I’ll say it anyway, I have been known to be a lot of a control freak, not a bit. My need to control my surroundings and sometimes even the people in my surroundings has caused some problems for me over the years. I will say though that I have seen God do great work on me in this area in the past ten years. While I still experience anxiety over aspects of my life I feel the need to control, I can honestly say that there are several things I have learned to let go of and I love it.

Anxiety about the present, the future and even the past, is something we all struggle with to some degree or another. How we deal with that anxiety is what I would like to explore today.

“Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for He always tenderly cares for you.” ~1 Peter 5:7 (TPT)

I remember learning this verse in Sunday school as a child. Back then it had no real meaning to me other than the fact that I got a sweet if I memorised and correctly repeated it to my Sunday school teacher. I was a carefree kid, what could I possibly understand about casting my cares on God? Today, it’s another story altogether. As an adult, wife, mother and business owner, I find myself worrying and anxious about so many things. Taking my concerns to God is easy but leaving them there, not so much. When it boils down, worry and anxiety can truly be traced back to our need for control. We don’t worry that the sun won’t rise or that the moon will fall out of the sky because we have a clear understanding that the universe and all its intricate workings are above our pay grade. When it comes to the inner workings of our lives, the lines get blurry. All of a sudden it’s unclear whether it’s our department or God’s department which has jurisdiction, and consequently, we’re inclined to assume control because it’s our life after all. One thing we need to remind ourselves is that it all falls within God’s jurisdiction and we are simply custodians of our lives. Putting that into perspective, as Christ-followers, is key to learning how to fully practice what the Apostle Peter advised and by so doing we put God in His rightful place in our lives.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

If we can agree that anxiety is brought on by a need to stay in control of our lives instead of trusting that God, who can do a far better job, cares enough for us to take our burdens on, then I wonder if we can also agree that putting our anxieties on Him is a key part to us living our lives fully leaning on Him, as it should be. Learning to lean on God by giving Him our anxieties gives Him room to move in our lives. God gave us free will and He can only come into our situations when we invite Him in. After receiving the invitation, He can only get to work when we decide to let go of control and hand the reigns to Him. God won’t grab the reins from us so He waits for us to realise that out of our own hands and into His is where our burdens belong.

Putting our anxieties on God is easier said than done but if we can remember some of the benefits we experience when we do, we may find it easier to take our burdens to God through prayer in every situation. I will share some of the benefits I have experienced to get you started.

It allows God to console us. In Psalm 94 David says to God, “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” Putting our anxieties on God allows God to console us and restore joy to our souls. His joy is not like the joy the world gives, His joy supersedes circumstance and it is what gives us strength, from the inside, to forge ahead. Pouring our hearts out to God may not fix the problems right there and then, but there is something different about facing Goliath after receiving some TLC from our Heavenly Father.

It makes space in our hearts for faith. Anxiety and worry are not very good house guests. They take up space, throw their weight around and are messy too. When we put our anxieties at the feet of our Heavenly Father we clean house, which then makes room for faith. I don’t know about you but there is something about talking to God about my burdens that makes me circle back to what He has done for me in the past. As we ask God for help with our present circumstances, we can’t properly do so without making mention of how He has come through for us in the past. Reminiscing of such breakthrough moments, however big or small, builds faith and stirs us up to believe that if God could do it then, He can surely do it again. 

It gives control back to God. Carrie Underwood got it right when she sang, “Jesus take the wheel, take it from my hand, coz I can’t do this on my own.” Indeed, we can’t live well if we make God a passenger in our lives. When we give him the lead and take the following role, we have peace because when God is in the driver’s seat, which is His sweet spot, great things happen.

It reminds us that God cares about the details of our lives. God cares about us. Even if our anxieties stem from self-inflicted situations, His mercy is available because He truly does care. His Word says that He will perfect that which concerns us because His mercy endures forever. If God is aware of the number of hairs on our heads, He most certainly cares about the things which concern each of us. When we put our anxieties on Him, we are reminded of this and that we are children of the Most High God. Knowing that will help us hold our heads high and walk a little taller as we face life’s challenges.

It lightens our load. Anxiety weighs us down but there are few things better than finding peace and joy in God’s presence when our backs are against the wall. When we are losing sleep because of pressure and we decide to just give it to God, the heaviness falls away. And like I said, it doesn’t mean the problems disappear, but the burden is off our shoulders and on His. Now, we can rest easy, and remain in a posture of faith and thanksgiving, knowing that our Father cares for us and will not forsake us.

If you are struggling with anxiety, worry or a burden of any sort, I encourage you to put that on God. Don’t try to soldier on alone, lean on Him and you’ll see that His shoulders are broad enough. I pray that you find consolation, strength and wisdom in His presence. He is saying to you, that He wants you to be free from anxiety, give it to Him and He will give you peace.


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