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Shadowed by Love – God is love (Part 2)

HomeGod's LoveShadowed by Love – God is love (Part 2)

I post this blog every Monday and the Monday of this particular post just so happens to be Valentine’s Day. A Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours. Though I have been married a little over ten years and been with my husband for twelve and a half years, we have never really made a big fuss on Valentine’s Day. My husband asked me to be his girlfriend in January of 2009. We had been friends and work colleagues for 6 months prior and so as Valentine’s Day rolled around, he very wisely asked me what my expectations were on this seemingly special day. I honestly told him that I didn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. Though I thought then, and still do now, that showing love by buying gifts and planning romantic outings is quite important in a loving relationship, it should not be limited to just one day, putting the couple under pressure to compete with everyone else around them. I remember teasingly telling him that if he wanted us to do something special we could do it either the day before or the day after Valentine’s Day. We decided not to bother and now, on our fourteenth Valentine’s Day together, it is not much different.

Now, before you throw stones my way, hear me out. This is not an attempt to bash Valentine’s Day or to minimize your desire to make this day all it can be, in the way of grand romantic gestures and meaningful gifts. We are all different, and if this day signifies some special memories that you and your significant other have made over the years, I celebrate you. On the other hand, if you are like me and would rather not indulge, good for you too. Either way, this week’s instalment is not necessarily about Valentine’s Day, though it was inspired by the very thing Valentine’s Day represents- love. As we focus on love today and probably all through the week, what better way to start the day than to understand how God loves us practically? If we can truly understand His love for us, showing love to others will come a little more easily, I think. Last week we began exploring the shadow of our Almighty God and what it translates to when equated to one element of His character and a title He wears ever so well, God is love.

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” ~ Psalm 90:1 (NKJV)

“We have come into an intimate experience with God’s love, and we trust in the love He has for us. God is love! Those who are living in love are living in God, and God lives through them.” ~ 1 John 4:16 (TPT)

After listing eleven different attributes of love found in the First Corinthians, verses four to seven to be exact, and substituting the word ‘love’ with God, we started a journey to understanding how God shows up for us in each of these loving ways. We saw how God’s love prompts Him to interact with us in patience and with gentle, consistent kindness. We also saw how this same love He has for us prevents Him from being rude, envious or imposing, forcing His own way onto us. Today we will continue down that list. My hope as we do so, is that you can begin to pinpoint areas in your life where you have seen His love, practically, for yourself.

God is not easily irritated. One thing I am not so proud of about myself is that I am quite easily irritated. Especially when I’m asked a question I feel the person asking should know the answer to. Over the years I have gotten a little better at not showing my irritation, but whether I hide it or not, it’s there. Praise Jesus our God is not like this. God isn’t just stoic, enduring us while perfectly hiding His feelings of irritation and choosing not to complain. He is not easily irritated by us, like for real. When we continue to make the same mistake or drag our feet of obedience, He is not irritated by us. When we ask the same question over and over yet the answer can be found in His Word, He is not irritated by us. Name whatever scenario from your own life and yes, the posture of His heart for you remains the same, He is not easily irritated by you.

God doesn’t keep a record of wrong. He has said in His Word that He will forgive our sins and remember them no more. He isn’t bluffing you know. We remember our sins when God has completely forgotten all about them. We let our past sins keep us from enjoying an uninhibited relationship with Him when all the while on His end, it is settled. Once we repent, He forgives and His love for us prevents Him from keeping tabs. This is why His daily renewed mercies are such an amazing gift. They are a true representation of His heart towards us.

God rejoices in honesty and truth. God is holy and as such there is only honesty and truth in Him. When we begin to walk in truth and are honest with Him and ourselves, He rejoices. Think of a loved one of yours and how you would feel if they finally saw the truth about something you have been praying they would open their eyes to. God loves us in this manner it’s why He loves to spend time with us. He knows that the more time we spend with Him, the more truth we will see and then live out.

God is a safe place of shelter. Have you ever been around someone who just makes you feel unsafe? It could be because they gossip so much and you know that they probably gossip about you too. It could be because they are judgmental or unwavering in their belief that your dreams are too big for you. Whatever it may be, I think it’s safe to say that we have all been around people who we have termed as ‘unsafe.’ Our God is the exact opposite. He is safe because He is most trustworthy and His presence is a safe place of shelter.

God never gives up on us. It’s quite easy for us to give up on one another as people. Even in cases where our love causes us to hold out longer than others would, it does still have a limit. Our loving Heavenly Father’s love has no limit at which point He decides to walk away to preserve His mental or emotional health. He never gives up on us. Until we breathe our last breath, He is actively chasing after us.

God is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance. Nothing exemplifies hope and endurance than God sending His Son to die for us while we were yet sinners. He did this before we even knew we needed a Savior. Once He had placed His love offering on the table, He waited hopefully for us to even just notice Him, let alone accept the gift He paid so dearly for. If that doesn’t scream love, I don’t know what ever could.

Today, whether you have a significant other or not, whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not, I hope you settle it in your heart, that God covers you with His love. He longs to shower it over you and let it wash over you. He longs to serenade you as He sings over you with His love. Receive it. As you do, you will see yourself finding it easier and easier to display love to others. I wish you a wonderful Valentine’s Day and I pray that you see His love practically today and every day.


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