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The Possibilities of Provision

HomeGod's ProvisionThe Possibilities of Provision

Some months ago I listened to an old sermon by Reverend Touré Roberts. If I remember correctly the sermon was about prayer, and at the very end of it, just before closing, he went off talking about distractions. He shared how as Christians we are sometimes distracted by yesterday, which keeps us from running and receiving the gifts God has for us today. This caught my attention and I stopped what I was doing to fully listen to this thought. He shared three things that have stuck with me since then and I have continued to meditate on them to apply them to my daily life.

The three gifts Reverend Touré shared are; provision, prudence and progress. He encouraged the listeners to fully receive these gifts and trust that God wants us to succeed as we face every new day. In the next few instalments, I will share my understanding of this little nugget mentioned, in passing, by this Pastor whom I will probably never meet.

 “Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation! Selah” ~ Psalm 68:19

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits:

Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” ~ Psalm 103:2-5

After searching God’s Word, to see these truths for myself, the above passages solidified my curiosity of this topic. Indeed God has packaged every new day with possibilities for our benefit; promises we should be enjoying and looking forward to. I don’t know about you, but my eyes being opened to this truth gets me so excited.

I’ve always been a morning person; once my feet hit the floor of my bed, I’m running with everything that needs to get done that day. I have had to discipline myself to slow down enough to check in with God because once I go, very few things can get my attention off my efforts to check every last thing off the to-do list. There is something about knowing that God has some specific things to give me that has helped me desire to truly meet with him at the top of my day. The thought of running off ahead of Him without what He has for me to succeed in the next 24 hours, will slow your girl down.

So what exactly does He load our days with? What is so important that we are not to forget? As you can see from Psalm 103, there is quite a list, but for this instalment, let’s unpack the gift of provision. When I hear the word provision, I automatically think of physical or financial provision, and though this is a significant part of God’s heart for us, I have been thinking of other ways in which God provides daily. By providing for us God intentionally prepares and supplies for our needs; both physical and spiritual.

I’ll be honest, the knowledge and excitement of this revelation is sometimes difficult for me to actualise. Some days are just tough! Though those are the days we need these benefits the most, getting into God’s presence to receive them can sometimes be a whole mission. I can testify though, that when I make the effort to receive and walk in the gifts God has for my day, I am never left wanting.

Our Heavenly Father provides us with His perspective. When we take time to start our day with Him, He lifts our heads. Yes, brushing aside shame or human rejection and filling us with His approval, but also lifting our eyes to see things from a higher perspective. When I leave God’s presence, I am elevated mentally. Any thoughts that I dragged in askew, are either realigned or done away with altogether, all to reflect His opinion and perspective.

Our Heavenly Father provides for our physical needs. God knows everything that we need physically. Everything, you name it, He thoughtfully prepares and supplies for it. There is a unique difference between what we need and what we want. This promise specifically covers what we need for our lives. Our Heavenly Father is not limited to this though, He does care about what we want too, He just wants to refine our motives and ensure that our desires line up with who He is. After all, He is our Father and we are to reflect Him in thought and deed.

Rest is provided for us by our Heavenly Father. Yes, rest. I have learned to appreciate His provision of this in recent years. When we go into our day from a rested position, we are more sensitive to the Holy Spirit, nicer to our family members or colleagues, less susceptible to temptations of the flesh and just all around better. Think about that, have you ever felt unsuccessful in your day because of fatigue? I certainly have. I’ve snapped at my children, been impatient with my husband, made silly mistakes at work and even overeaten all because I was not rested. If you lean into this promise, you will be surprised by the opportunities for rest that our God provides for us.

Another aspect of provision for us is a way out of temptation. No, we don’t really think about this one often, but it is such a gift. There is nothing that slows us down like sin and shame. There are days I have stumbled into sin in the earlier hours and I see the potential of the day burn into flames before my very eyes. Giving in to temptation can rob us of so much, but thank God for His promise to provide us with a way out. By sitting in His presence He helps us stay aware of ways to escape traps laid by the enemy. That deserves a happy dance break!

Mercy is provided fresh every day. God’s provision of mercy doesn’t just mean forgiveness of our sins as I had always thought. It means so much more than that. God’s mercy causes us to receive so much directly from his compassionate heart towards us. Yes, His mercy does cover our sins and shame. It restores our confidence and allows us to keep moving forward in Him. But more than that, God’s mercy, His compassion and loving kindness, protect us from harm serving as a hedge around us. His mercy gives us peace during the most brutal circumstances, causing us not to lose our minds. His mercy keeps us. His mercy covers us. It never runs out, it’s always fresh every morning.

As if all the above isn’t enough, God’s promise to never leave or forsake us is fiercely guarded by the provision of the Holy Spirit. We can step into our day with confidence because we know that no matter what we face, we do not face it alone. The Holy Spirit guides our steps, reminds us of who we are, and lifts us when life happens. He gives us the right words to speak in different situations and is the best advice giver, continually realigning our thoughts and opinions to match His own. What a Helper! What a Friend!

Can you see the new possibilities of each day a little better now? Knowing God has laid all this out in His expression to us as Jehovah Jireh is beyond humbling. I hope you’ll reach out to receive all He has for you, even on the hard days. As you do, the possibilities of this year will most certainly unfold, one crack of dawn at a time.


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